Health insurance is intangible. A large portion of individuals who are insured realize how lucky they are only when it’s really needed. It is a large spend within families, yet we have found that very few of our clients’ employees, before working with us, could articulate the difference between a deductible and co-insurance. This, combined with the uncertainty on plan utilization, can result in unnecessary expenses or subpar healthcare.
Beyond our employee advocate, LassiterWare provides an experienced staff of professionals who help communicate complicated concepts and simplify the “how” and the “what” of plan education and tailor it to fit business needs. We believe it is critical that all employees are knowledgeable about how they should best consume healthcare. We help your employees make important decisions about enrollment, understand plan options and assist with responsible benefit selection. On the same hand, we help employees understand how these benefits tie into their overall total compensation and the amount of resources their employer puts toward ensuring they are taken care of.
LassiterWare has identified many common areas of employee confusion and developed a comprehensive communication support system to assist with:
For our guidance from our experienced professionals, built on a solid foundation and history of trust.
For our solutions and resources that protect our clients’ personal assets, business and employees.