Health & Wellness

LassiterWare has decades of experience with large employers helping them improve prevention and health management through health and wellness programs. We guide our clients in making sense of their overall long-term insurance strategy and how it can impact their employees’ physical and mental health. This is important because it directly impacts their productivity and the businesses’ bottom line.

Our wellness and disease management programs promote informed behavior and personal engagement in helping employees take control of their own health and well-being. This in turn has multiple benefits that impact both the employer and employee. By implementing wellness programs, we consistently see reduced workers’ comp claims, medical utilization and medical leaves. Further, the culture of the organization strengthens because their employees show higher levels or energy and lower stress levels.

Our capabilities include:

  • Fitness and stress reduction
  • Disease management strategies
  • Participation and results-based exercise programs
  • Health risk assessments
  • Activities to promote safety (EAP’s, Ergonomics)