Controlling Your Insurance Destiny With A Group Captive

Controlling Your Insurance Destiny With A Group Captive

October 25, 2017, 9:30 am – 10:30 am

Join us to learn about group captives and how many successful organizations are adopting these risk management, financial and tax savings strategies employed by the majority of Fortune 500 companies for their:  Workers’ Compensation | Automobile Fleet | General Liability | Group Health Programs

In 45 minutes, you will be educated on the following:

What is a captive?

  • A captive is an insurance company that provides insurance to and is controlled by it’s owners

Why should YOU consider a captive and what are the benefits of being a member of a group captive?

  • Control what premium you pay each year
  • Pay yourself a majority of your insurance premium
  • Earn profits from your insurance company
  • Earn investment income
  • Tax advantages
  • Lower costs
  • Greater long-term stability
  • Transform insurance from a cost into a PROFIT CENTER

Who should consider a captive and what type of companies or organizations share such qualities?

  • Management teams committed to safety with solid safety programs in place
  • Loss histories that are average or better than average for their respective industries
  • Casualty premiums totaling $100,000 or more from Workers’ Compensation or Workers’ Compensation in conjunction with General Liability, Auto Liability or Auto Physical Damage
  • Group Health Plans with 75 or more covered individuals


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