Accomplish MORE with your Team

Accomplish MORE with your Team

May 23, 2018, 12:00 am – 10:30 am

Our culture and Country are in crisis as too many people see work as just a J-O-B instead of the opportunity to contribute their unique talents and passions.

The dilemma does not stop there.

Business owners and executives strongly desire the performance of an Elite Team, but so many of them have never experienced operating within one, and thus do not know what an Elite Team looks like from the inside or how one is achieved.

In 45 minutes, Jason will discuss:

  • Developing and maintaining an Elite Team
  • Implementing a culture of accountability and high performance
  • Increasing profits and productivity by 50% or more


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On a Mission – LassiterWare and ECS

LassiterWare has partnered with Episcopal Children’s Services for over eight years. In this episode of On a Mission with Dr. Wendy Norfleet, Michael Shea, VP of LassiterWare and ECS’s Chief

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